1. Finding apple juice carton spilt in our cycle pannier before our departure in Southampton airport.
2. Being nearly run over by someone who came out of a side road and didn't see us.
3. Walking for the whole afternoon without water or shade on a dusty hot (very hot very sunny very dusty) path looking for spot to pitch tent and landing up on a crowded beach and having to walk all the way back on that hot dusty path.
4. Cycling on a flat road getting very tired and sweaty and finding out that John had left the drum brake on!
5. Cycling to Évora 64 km in 44 degrees
6. Making camp late one evening to find people opposite were a rough crowd of gypsies, moving on to different place and find more gypsies, by which time it was too dark to pitch tent anywhere.
7. Pitching our tent on top of an ants nest.
8. Nicole wanting to go to beach and John wanting to visit mediaeval villages.
9. Cycling down a steep hill to sail on a Dutch Barge and find out there was no wind.
10. Drum brake intermittently sticking on.