I can't believe it! Yesterday, after nearly a month of battling with the dynamo/alternator problem which involved various train trips to Dover humping the afore mentioned items, countless telephone calls, lenghty discussions with neighbouring barges owners and brain ache, Brendon (who was trying to fit the alternator AND mend the old dynamo) eventually came up with the suggestion of a generator to see us back to the iow until someone can sort out the dynamo (apparently the alternator is a lash-up and a no-no).
Why didn't we think of it before? As it happens Matt was here and he has a generator (like every good sailor should... I have been whining for a generator for the last 2 years...) As he is likely to be working on Raybelle in the next few months eh offered to lend it to us.
So now we are ready to go back! and Steve and Mary are arriving today. So in theory, if weather is favourable (at the moment right direction but too much of it!) we could go on Monday morning tide...
FULL MOON – A Formula for Life
*Refrain from doing that which is unsuitable, *
*cultivate that which is wholesome; *
*purify the heart. *
*This is the teaching of the Awakened Ones.*
1 year ago
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