Thursday, 23 December 2010


Bayamo is 120km northwest of Santiago de Cuba. Cycled 450km from Santiago west along the small coast road. The scenery was absolutely stunning, cycling beside turquoise blue sea, breakers on deserted beaches with palm trees, mangroves and little coves. The going was quite tough, extremely bad road surfaces, sometimes road washed away in places and some bridges down, probably hurricane damage. Not many people therefore not much food and a whole day of torrential rain. We were so wet and miserable looking a local fisherman felt sorry for us and invited us in his little hut for a warming cup of coffee!
We stay overnight with local people who are so hospitable and friendly, usually for a night but sometimes staying longer and getting to know our hosts better. A few days ago we stayed in a small plantation-farm, wonderful home cooking fresh coconuts, encountered more horses and horse carts on the road than motor vehicles and bicyles put together. We then stayed a couple of nights in Manzanillo, an out of the way quiet old Spanish colonial town with a moving memorial to Celai Sanchez, Fidel Castro´s loyal secretary, muse and sometime lover.
Now making our way back to Santiago before going east towards Guantanamo and Baracoa.
It was a miracle finding an internet cafe!

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