Sunday, 15 January 2017

2016 - outside kitchen, front door and along the road

Whilst the shenanigans of the boundary with neighbour's works were going on, we attacked ourselves on the area just outside kitchen.
This is what we found on our return in March. Pretty much a building site!
We first limewashed the wall (with our special mixture of ferrous phosphate - turning a lovely rusty colour), prepared an area of soil on the right hand side of door for various plants and then John R decked the area. Wonderful! Just ready to enjoy many balmy days in the sunshine!

John R then decked outside the front door and we were able at last to enter the house without bringing in grit and dirt

John in the meantime dug enormously deep holes for the enormously tall gate posts

And we erected (lengthily) a bamboo screen for some privacy on our patio...

Lastly, the pile of wood was cleared and the ground rotivated. It took John a whole weekend of wrestling a flying machine and digging all kind of interesting debris...

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