Monday, 14 March 2016

Bagan crush

All was going well (apart from having to cycle back in the dark after supper, we had forgotten to take the front lights), we were going for a last relaxing time at the breezy little restaurant by the Irrawaddy (delicious coffee and sumptuous ginger tea), I stopped to take photo of picturesque cow
Starting tandem we suddenly got bogged down in sand, wheel jammed sideways, John managed to get off tandem ok but I fell sideways, using my wrists to save hitting my face. Mercifully the road wasn't tarred but noneless, the sand was pretty compact where I hit it. I felt a bit dazed, but more cross than in pain and we did go for that coffee and ginger tea to try to recover...we somehow managed to cycle back to guesthouse, load our bag, reach the Black Bamboo for lunch, but by that time I was in agony. John went to look for a splint and bandages and we at last reached the train station where I nearly collapsed with pain. By the time we reached Yangon, 18 hours later, the pain hadn't subsided and John decided we should abandon Myanmar and fly to Bangkok.
Tandem on van who took us through busy Yangon to airport. Bought a last minute flight ($150 each, leaving in a couple of hours time), John had difficulties to pack the tandem on his own. A good angel appeared in the guise of a most helpful German man
And we arrived in Bangkok by 5pm, John wheeled tandem (on two trolleys) to left luggage, we indulged in a taxi and we arrived in Bangkok house just before receptionist was leaving and yes! they had a room!

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